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Monthly Orientations

Racquetball is easy to learn, provides a quick, fast-paced invigorating total-body workout, can be played year round regardless of weather, doesn't require a major investment in equipment, and can be played by the entire family. But the best reason for playing the game is simply for the fun of it.

Every month the club hosts free orientations as well as "racquetball refreshers" with a primary focus on basic skills, rules, serves, and positioning. As always, your safety is paramount. Included is state of the art equipment provided for your convenience.

FREE Racquetball Orientations

  • Kids*—Saturday, February 3rd, 1:00 to 2:30 PM
  • Adults—Saturday, February 3rd, 3:00 to 5:00 PM

* The kids' Orientation is the only prerequisite for joining our Junior Racquetball Program.

Registration for orientations for both adults and children can be made at the First Impressions Desk. Space is limited, so please sign up.

Auburn Racquet & Fitness Club is an official dealer of E-Force, Gearbox, and HEAD racquets and accessories. Demo racquets are available for trial usage. All brands are competitively priced with an exclusive club warranty.