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Individual Control Measures and Screening

  • ARFC administers temperature and symptom screenings for all employees at the beginning of their shift and any vendors, contractors, or members and their guests entering the facility.
  • ARFC posts signage at all entrances and in strategic and highly visible locations to remind employees and club members and their guests that they should practice physical distancing and that the use of face coverings is mandatory in all indoor spaces.

Physical Distancing Guidelines

  • Measures have been implemented to ensure physical distancing of at least six feet between and among employees and members. This can include use of physical partitions or visual cues (e.g., floor markings, colored tape, or signs to indicate to where employees and/or members should stand during check-in at reception areas or when waiting to use equipment).
  • ARFC has spaced workout equipment six feet apart.
  • The front desk area and food service area are equipped with Plexiglas barriers between reception staff and members.
  • ARFC has modified group exercise classes to limit the class size to ensure a minimum of six feet of physical distance between members and/or moved the classes outdoors to our tennis courts.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols

  • ARFC personnel performs thorough cleaning throughout the day in high-traffic areas, such as reception and lobby areas, changing rooms, locker rooms, and areas of ingress and egress including stairways, stairwells and handrails.
  • ARFC frequently disinfects commonly used surfaces, including personal exercise machines and equipment, countertops, doorknobs, and hand washing facilities.
  • ARFC makes sure all employees have been trained to use and have an adequate supply of all-purpose cleaners and disinfectants, when needed. ARFC follows the complete CDC guidelines for cleaning and & disinfection follow Cal/OSHA requirements and manufacturer instructions for safe use.

Additional Considerations for Swimming Pools / Aquatic Venues

  • ARFC has taken additional steps to ensure its pool deck, swimming pools, Jacuzzis and splash pad are properly cleaned and disinfected for member use according to CDC guidelines.
  • Members are encouraged to bring and use their own towels wherever possible. ARFC will provide only one towel to be kept in the member's possession while at the Club and disposed of in one place upon exiting the club.
  • ARFC has changed the pool deck to ensure that standing and seating arrangements meets physical distancing requirements.